Anatomy A215 Virtual
The basic unit of structure and function of the kidney is the nephron.The nephron consists of a filtering unit (the “renal
corpuscle”) and a tubular portion that modifies the glomerular
filtrate. There are over one million nephrons in each kidney, and it
is the arrangement of the nephrons that gives the organ a cortex and
a medulla.
In this virtual slide of KIDNEY you should be
able to identify
- The outer region or renal cortex, containing many small, round
renal corpuscles, much of the tubule system, and blood vessels.
- The renal medulla, the region internal to the cortex that contains
parallel tubules (nephron loops, collecting tubules and collecting ducts) and blood vessels, their shape on your slide
depending on how they’re sectioned. The absence of renal
corpuscles distinguishes the medulla.
- Click for a detailed image of a
- Click for a detailed image of nephron loops.
Virtual Microscopy
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